Nambiar District 25 Directions

Nambiar District 25

Nambiar District 25 Directions indicate that the said project can be reached from different parts of the city through major roads, with a high degree of interchange between the major modes of transport. It is also well connected to all the important areas of the city and is near the East Bangalore IT industries and industrial regions.

Although not too clearly or often, it is possible and not difficult to define a project area/ local with an accurate landmark. There are many routes or roads you can take including using different forms of transportation to reach the said landmark or the area of the project. A good public transport network included in this package makes travelling convenient.

Nambiar Builders, a well known real estate developer has launched the luxurious residential apartment project Nambiar District 25  also known as Soho of silicon valley in Sarjapur Main Road, which is one of the major employment and business centers in East Bangalore. The project is developed on more than 100 acres of land comprising luxury apartment units with sophisticated modern facilities and beautiful designs. The updated directions for accessing the project are now available through Google Maps which aid users in determining the best routes to take and distance between the project and different locations within the city.

Nambiar District 25 Directions and its Advantages

  1. Nambiar District 25 is located in Muthanallur Cross off Sarjapur Road in East Bangalore. All the construction is located on a developed land of over 100 acres. This provides for an organized public infrastructure and utilities to the community. It also has good connectivity to the major linking National Highways (NH), roads and metro stations.
  2. A well-developed road network links Nambiar District 25 to prominent areas like Whitefield, Sarjapur, Marathahalli, Bellandur and ITPL.
  3. Some of the South Bangalore Areas such as Electronic city, Hosur, Attibele, Koramangala and BTM Layout are easily accessible through Outer ring road, NH 44 and Hosur main road.
  4. Located close to Nambiar District 25 is the Bellandur railway station which serves as a useful access point for residents, visitors and travelers from other parts of the state. The project sits strategically near NH 44 and Whitefield Hoskote road, which ensures that most people can get to Kempegowda International Airport quickly through the use of closely located Volvo buses and BMTC.

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